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Скачать с ютуб 16 Best ALGS Final Circle Winning Plays ft. TSM, Gambit, Sentinels | Apex Legends в хорошем качестве

16 Best ALGS Final Circle Winning Plays ft. TSM, Gambit, Sentinels | Apex Legends 2 года назад

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16 Best ALGS Final Circle Winning Plays ft. TSM, Gambit, Sentinels | Apex Legends

As the final circle gets tighter, the best ALGS teams get to shine. Enjoy 16 of the very best Final Circle Winning Plays. Apex Legends Pro League: Sub: Twitter:   / playapexesports   00:00 - 16 Best ALGS Final Circles Winning Plays of ALL TIME 00:07 - 16 North 00:37 - 15 Sentinels 01:06 - 14 Wygers 01:30 - 13 Major Pushers 02:09 - 12 LesCitesDeFrance 02:48 - 11 Fav Gaming 03:07 - 10 Team Superior 03:31 - 9 Dungeon Mast33rs 04:03 - 8 FlavorOfTheMonth 05:01 - 7 Kaizen Esports 05:41 - 6 Gambit Esports 06:33 - 5 My Little Phony 07:01 - 4 Magicians 08:04 - 3 LesCitesDeFrance 08:43 - 2 TSM 10:09 - 1 Gambit Esports #algs #apexlegends #apex
