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All Final Circles | NA Finals | ALGS Championship | Apex Legends

The NA ALGS Finals did not disappoint! Watch Final Circles of true Championship quality as the best teams of the Apex Legends Global Series fight to the finish. 00:00 - Game 1 03:12 - Game 2 06:17 - Game 3 09:18 - Game 4 12:23 - Game 5 15:21 - Game 6 17:49 - Game 7 20:37 - Game 8 22:48 - Game 9 - Winner takes all! Subscribe:   / playapex   |   / playapex   This Final Circle video is brought to you by our pals at @LenovoLegion Follow Lenovo Legion on: Twitter ➡️   / lenovolegion   YouTube ➡️    / lenovolegion   #apex #algs #apexlegends
