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Скачать с ютуб Day 5 Match Point FINALS! ALGS Championship Final Circles ft. TSM, OPTIC, BLVKHVND | Apex Legends в хорошем качестве

Day 5 Match Point FINALS! ALGS Championship Final Circles ft. TSM, OPTIC, BLVKHVND | Apex Legends 7 месяцев назад

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Day 5 Match Point FINALS! ALGS Championship Final Circles ft. TSM, OPTIC, BLVKHVND | Apex Legends

Lock and load for Day 5, the final day of the ALGS Year 3 2023 Championship where Match Point would decide our Legends. Watch all the Final Circles from an incredible day featuring pro Apex Legends teams TSM, OPTIC, BLVKHVND, THE DOJO, LG CHIVAS, ALLIANCE, FAZE, DREAMFIRE, PIONEERS, and many more. Apex Legends Global Series: Sub: Twitter:   / playapexesports   #algs #apexlegends #apex 00:00 Game 1 1:18 Game 2 2:31 Game 3 3:33 Game 4 4:44 Game 5 6:42 Game 6 9:09 Game 7 11:16 Game 8 13:06 CHAMPIONS!
