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BBC Three Rebrand Project (Idents & Continuity) [2013 Motion Graphics Project] 10 лет назад

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BBC Three Rebrand Project (Idents & Continuity) [2013 Motion Graphics Project]

I've wanted to do something like this for a while. This is a complete channel rebrand package for the BBC Three TV channel, as I am not too fond of their current set of idents and messy, inconsistent presentation (this was made during the 2008-2013 branding era - I actually quite like the 2013 idents but still not too impressed with overall presentation). It includes a holding board, promos, continuity, a coming up menu and four beautiful idents. I owe a lot of thanks to everyone that helped me out in the project, which combined both filmmaking techniques and motion graphics. You guys made this possible. Want to see the idents in full with no announcer? Yeah I thought so. :P    • Видео   If you are interested in seeing how these idents came together, have a look at the report online: Designed & Directed by: Sam Rolfe ( Camera Operators/Cinematographers: Emmanuel Boadi ( & Jonathon Kobylanski ( Camera Assistants: Nathan Garlick & Jamie Smith Special Thanks: Matthew Potts & Jessie the Dog, David James, The Digital Arts Centre at the University of Worcester, Bluewater Shopping Centre, Kent and YouTube user 2007TGD - my long time inspiration when it comes to TV Pres :) (   / 2007tgd  ) This video has been created for entirely non-profit and educational purposes. Any and all copyrights concerned are fully respected and acknowledged.
