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ALGS Year 3 Split 1 Playoffs - FINALS | Apex Legends

Start 00:00 Game 1 22:04 Game 2 53:01 Game 3 1:26:05 Game 4 2:02:16 Game 5 2:32:33 Game 6 3:04:33 Game 7 3:37:16 Game 8 4:08:56 WINNING 4:27:48 The ALGS Year 3 Split 1 Playoffs take place February 2-5, 2023! Watch every game live here on the official ALGS YouTube channel. See all the Split 1 Playoffs details: SPLIT 1 PLAYOFFS TOURNAMENT FORMAT The Split 1 Playoffs begin with a 40-team group stage spread across the first two days of competition (February 2-3), where teams will be split into four groups of ten teams and play a single six-match series against every other group. On Saturday, February 4th, the Bracket Stage begins, and every team will be assigned a starting position in the double-elimination bracket based on their Group Stage performance. After playing through the double-elimination bracket on Saturday, the top 20 teams will advance to the Match Point Finals. The Finals will then take place on Sunday, February 5th, and consist of a single Match Point format series to determine the Split 1 Playoffs Champion. In addition to bragging rights, teams in the Split 1 Playoffs will be competing for a share of the $1,000,000 USD prize pool and valuable Playoff Points to help teams qualify for the year-end ALGS Championship in Summer 2023. Subscribe: Follow us on Twitter:   / playapexesports   #algs #apexlegends #apex
