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Turning 32 And Starting Fresh: My Return To School Journey ✨ 1 месяц назад

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Turning 32 And Starting Fresh: My Return To School Journey ✨

Get my how to travel for free guide! Hello sunnies! ☀️ 📚 "I started taking classes at 32" 📚 Whether you're in the dawn of youth or the twilight of years, embracing lifelong learning lights the path forward. Join me, Day, as I share my journey back to school, breaking stereotypes about age and education! 🔹 Discover why I decided to pursue education in my 30s 🔹 Learn about my adventures in photography and digital marketing 🔹 Find out how I'm breaking free from survival mode and building my dream life Age is just a number, and every moment is a chance to grow. Let's celebrate the privilege of learning together! Don't forget to like, subscribe, and hit the notification bell for more updates. See you in the comments! 🌟 #Education #LifelongLearning #PersonalGrowth Connect With Me! 🖐🏿✨ Discord Community:   / discord   Website & Blog: Insta:   / daylightful   TikTok:   / daylightfulness   Twitch:   / daylightful   Podcast:    / @makelemonadewithlife   Recourses & Content Gear! 📸 Main Camera - Full Gear: Music: TIMESTAMPS: 0:00 Intro 1:27 My Background 5:19 What am I learning and why? 7:25 What are my overall life plans? 9:15 Being 30s in School Again 13:55 Outro Thank you for watching! ☀️ ❤ Daycia ** You'll find links and products connected to companies, and Daylightful may earn affiliate commissions or referral bonuses through them. **
