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Скачать с ютуб Bruce Springsteen and The E Street Band - Entrance + “Roll of the Dice” - Las Vegas, NV - 3-22-2024 в хорошем качестве

Bruce Springsteen and The E Street Band - Entrance + “Roll of the Dice” - Las Vegas, NV - 3-22-2024 1 месяц назад

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Bruce Springsteen and The E Street Band - Entrance + “Roll of the Dice” - Las Vegas, NV - 3-22-2024

For the first time on their 2024 World Tour, Bruce Springsteen and The E Street Band took the stage and opened their show with “Roll of the Dice” at T-Mobile Arena in Las Vegas, Nevada on Friday March 22, 2024. I got drenched on that champagne shower! This was the first time "Roll of the Dice" was performed since February 16, 2017, and was song #1 of the night. This concert in Las Vegas was my 43rd time seeing Bruce Springsteen perform and my 35th time seeing the E Street Band perform. Please click on the links below to watch the several other videos that I recorded while attending this show in Las Vegas, Nevada: “Hungry Heart” =    • Bruce Springsteen and The E Street Ba...   “Racing in the Street” =    • Bruce Springsteen and The E Street Ba...   “Viva Las Vegas” =    • Bruce Springsteen and The E Street Ba...   “Glory Days” (snippet) =    • Bruce Springsteen and The E Street Ba...   Band Member Introductions =    • Bruce Springsteen and The E Street Ba...   I do not own the rights to this music, I’m just attempting to document and preserve live video of the world’s greatest performer hard at work for future generations to enjoy here on YouTube.
