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TOKYO SONATA 14 лет назад

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TOKYO SONATA is a portrait of a seemingly ordinary Japanese family. The father who abruptly loses his job conceals the truth from his family; the eldest son in college hardly returns home; the youngest son furtively takes piano lessons without telling his parents; and the mother, who knows deep down that her role is to keep the family together, cannot find the will to do so. From the exterior, all is normal and the same. But somehow, a single, unforeseeable chasm has appeared within the family, threatening to disintegrate them. Director Kurosawas use of light and dark to express a sense of simultaneous hope and horror verges on awe-inspiring and the ending will leave you enthralled. CAST & CREW Teruyuki Kagawa | Kyoko Koizumi | Yu Koyanagi | Kai Inowaki Haruka Igawa | Kanji Tsuda | Koji Yakusho Young KAI INOWAKI Born on November 24, 1995, Kai Inowaki began acting at age 10. With a series of TV appearances under his belt, Inowaki has steadily been gaining experience from a young age. Inowakis starring role as the rebellious youngest son who develops a passion for playing piano in Kiyoshi Kurosawas TOKYO SONATA marks the actors major breakthrough into international cinema. Inowakis other talents include basketball, swimming, baseball and dance. Inowaki recently entered middle school, and plans to continue acting in films and TV in the future.
