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Tôkyô sonata - Kiyoshi Kurosawa (2008) - ending. 14 лет назад

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Tôkyô sonata - Kiyoshi Kurosawa (2008) - ending.

Song - Claude Debussy, "Clair de Lune" (Performed by Sonosuke Takao). Movie Info: Director: Kiyoshi Kurosawa Cast: Haruka Igawa, Inowaki Kai, Teruyuki Kagawa, Kyôko Koizumi Original Title: Tôkyô sonata Production Country: Japan 2008 Review: Admin Chief and family patriarch Sasaki (Teruyuki Kagawa) loses his job to the forces of globalization (the Chinese can fulfill his role cheaper), but keeps it secret from his family. Domesticity, already tense and stifling, teeters on the edge of crisis. Oldest son Takashi, inhabiting a different temporal zone from the rest of the family, looks to find peace by going, quite literally, to war. Youngest son Kenji (Kai Inowaki) harbours escape plans of his own, through a burgeoning musical talent. Even put-upon wife and mother Megumi (Kyoko Koizumi) feels the pressure build inside her, and her escape will be the most dramatic of all.
