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Imported Dream R34 GTR: Laser Cleaning, Dry Ice, & Paint Correction

The Nissan Skyline GTR R34 is officially able to be imported to the US and we received our first R34 Skyline GTR from Japan for a detail fresh off the cargo ship! This iconic JDM masterpiece came to us for laser cleaning, dry ice cleaning, and a full paint correction before heading to it's new owner. This color is wildly beautiful after we finished and we hope the new owner of this dream car is as excited as one can be! The Laser Cleaning has been super popular with you all, so I have to ask: What do you think we should test out laser cleaning on next? IT DOESNT HAVE TO BE A CAR ;) Thanks for watching! We hope you enjoy the video! Please toss us a like and a subscribe for more great detailing content Did you see our Ultimate 4 Runner detailing that's going viral? Check out that Laser Rust Removal here:    • Ultimate 4Runner Detailing: Laser Cle...   Get a 3% discount on all Karcher Dry Ice Cleaning Machines, accessories, and more using our REFERRAL LINK: ARTDESHINE Ceramic Coating Get 10% off your order at when you use the code IAMDETAILING at check out. ► I AM DETAILING Collector Car Detailing and Dry Ice Cleaning in Southern California ► DRY ICE AUTO Undercarriage & Engine Bay Detailing in Costa Mesa, CA ► LASER CLEANING NEAR ME Laser Cleaning and Rust Removal in Costa Mesa, CA #r34 #nissangtr #lasercleaning
