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Gamer (2009) Trailer #1 11 месяцев назад

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Gamer (2009) Trailer #1

Check out the official Gamer (2009) trailer starring Gerard Butler, Logan Lerman, Ludacris! ► Watch on Vudu: Subscribe to the channel and click the bell icon to be notified of your favorite trailers: Starring: Gerard Butler, Logan Lerman, Ludacris Director: Brian Taylor Synopsis: Each week Kable (Gerard Butler), a death-row inmate, battles his fellow prisoners in a violent online game called "Slayers," his every move controlled by a young gamer's remote device. To the players, Kable and the other inmates are just simulated characters. But, to a resistance group that opposes the game's inventor, Kable is a critical component of their plan to end the inventor's form of high-tech slavery. ► Learn more: Watch More: ► Rotten Tomatoes Originals: ► Fresh New Clips: ► Hot New Trailers: ► New TV This Week: Rotten Tomatoes CLASSIC TRAILERS takes you on a nostalgic tour through movie history. Come rediscover all your favorite movie trailers and find a classic you may have missed. #Gamer
