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Скачать с ютуб Monster Mutt Is Ready To Be Unleashed! / Most Epic Monster Jam Trucks / Episode 3 в хорошем качестве

Monster Mutt Is Ready To Be Unleashed! / Most Epic Monster Jam Trucks / Episode 3 6 месяцев назад

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Monster Mutt Is Ready To Be Unleashed! / Most Epic Monster Jam Trucks / Episode 3

Some Monster Jam trucks can’t be tamed! And Monster Mutt is the monster truck ready to run wild! Descended from wolves, dogs have become man’s best friend. Loyal. Obedient. Trustworthy. But just because something is tame doesn’t mean it’s forgotten its wild instinct. While some dogs like going for walks, Monster Mutt wants to be unleashed. Purebreds make great pets, but mutts are tough. Keen hearing. Heightened sense of smell. Instinct to survive. Let the beast off the leash and set him loose. This alpha is ready to prove his place, and it’s at the top. One lick from that tongue and Monster Mutt can taste fear in the competition, and he’s not alone. This pooch runs with a pack, and it won’t be long before you’re surrounded. Monster Mutt is always on the prowl. TikTok: @monsterjamtoys Instagram: @monsterjamtoys #MonsterJam #EpicTrucks #MonsterMutt
