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Apex Legends New Free Skins & Packs Changes

Apex Legends New Free Skins & Packs Changes as Twitch Prime skins which are free for users of the platform seem to have disappeared but due to datamined information it seems they are making a return with free apex legends packs designed around certain characters giving you legendary skins in return for them! Giveaway winner announced at end of video, Direct Message on Twitter to claim prize if you are a winner! Credit To Dataminers: Shrugtal: Twitter:   / shrugtal   Youtube:   / shrugtal   The Gaming Merchant:    / thegamingmerchant   Kralrindo: Twitter:   / kralrindo   Youtube: Minute Updates:    / minuteupdates   Garretleaks: Twitter:   / garretleaks   Youtube:    / garretdyel   My Socials: My New Channel:    / thordannews   Valhalla Discord:  / discord   Twitter:   / thordansmash   Twitch:   / thordansmash   Kick: Facebook: Instagram:   / thordansmash​​   #apexlegendsnews #apexlegendskins #apexlegendsnews
