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GHOSTBUSTERS - Official Trailer (HD)

Ghostbusters makes its long-awaited return, rebooted with a cast of hilarious new characters. Thirty years after the beloved original franchise took the world by storm, director Paul Feig brings his fresh take to the supernatural comedy, joined by some of the funniest actors working today – Melissa McCarthy, Kristen Wiig, Kate McKinnon, Leslie Jones, and Chris Hemsworth. This summer, they’re here to save the world! Subscribe for more Ghostbusters exclusives: Like us on Facebook:   / ghostbusters   Follow us on Twitter:   / ghostbusters   Follow us on Instagram:   / ghostbusters   Cast: Melissa McCarthy Kristen Wiig Kate McKinnon Leslie Jones Charles Dance Michael Kenneth Williams and Chris Hemsworth Directed by: Paul Feig Written by: Paul Feig & Katie Dippold Based on the film “Ghostbusters” Written by Dan Aykroyd and Harold Ramis and Directed by Ivan Reitman Produced by: Ivan Reitman Amy Pascal Executive Producers: Michele Imperato Stabile Paul Feig Jessie Henderson Dan Aykroyd Tom Pollock Joe Medjuck Ali Bell
