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Apex Legends New Heirloom Event Rework & Missing Progress Fix Update

Apex Legends New Event Heirloom Changes & Missing Progress Update Respawn acknowledged the reports on its official Apex Legends Twitter page, writing that, "We are aware and looking into the issue with accounts losing their progress after the update today. Will provide update ASAP." At the time of writing, no further updates have appeared on Twitter or the official Apex Legends subreddit thread on the matter. As such, players will likely want to proceed with caution - or stay clear of the game altogether - until Respawn confirms that all issues have been resolved. *Giveaway winner announced at end of video, Direct Message on Twitter @thordansmash to claim prize if you are a winner! Comments picked From Daily Main Video and Shorts Comments Combined through history of channel so stay tuned to see if you win in the future!*
