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Скачать с ютуб The Most Underrated Trap In Hoplite Battle Royale в хорошем качестве

The Most Underrated Trap In Hoplite Battle Royale 1 месяц назад

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The Most Underrated Trap In Hoplite Battle Royale

What's up guys in this video I used a very overpowered trap that is not my original idea but is my original design. And with this trap at my aid i was able to cop that dub. Also i recorded this at 1am so forgive me if i sound a little dead- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Big Thanks to: @ske1t928 for showing me the Trap Concept @-nanor for helping with the Thumbnail and Opening Clip --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you want to know names of any music in this video feel free to ask in comments or send me a dm on discord @champianchaner --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hopefully you guys enjoyed it and if you did make sure to subscribe, leave a comment and like that smash button --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapters: 0:00 Opening Clip 0:10 Intro 0:28 Grace 3:00 PVP 14:35 Deathmatch 18:40 Outro Server: Tags: #uhc #hoplite #battleroyale #trapping #speedsilver #minecraft #minecrafttraps #hoplitetrapping #champian
