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Warning: this content is not for children, please consider carefully before watching! Thank you! Welcome to: Q-Did You Know? 😍 This is a general entertainment channel! 👉 Today's Topic :20 SPORTS VIDEOS TAKEN AT THE RIGHT MOMENT So, there are many surprising and funny moment happen in sport every day. In fact, due to the fast development of technology that those situations have been perfectly recorded so that I can include them in today video So, please feel free to spend just a couple of minutes watching this whole video 20 sports videos taken at the right moment In this video, we countdown the top 20 embarrassing moments in sports history! In some sports, embarrassing things happen regularly whether it was due to mistakes, failures, or other reasons. But these embarrassing incidents are real. Make sure to watch till the end! All of the situations in this video are real and took place in the sport's history on live TV. And they were not staged. Some pictures are considered to be embarrassing, but completely happened in a context that is consistent with Youtube's rules! These entertaining videos provide information about television incidents to entertain audiences, not focusing on sensitive images or discriminating against anyone! Thank you for watching the video! Have fun! Good news for my big fans, in order to celebrate my channel getting 3m subscribers, I now have 10 Present and want to give them to you through joining the lucky draw! If you find this video interesting, then quickly like and share it so that people will get to enjoy these funny moments, subscribe and turn on your notification bell to receive more videos! Then leave a comment telling the reasons why you love this video. Good luck! Note: this is the presents that I want to give to my fans - which is not sponsored by any brands or Youtube. It’s just simply a gift that I use to show my love towards my viewers, not to boost the views. Therefore, I do not accept any spamming comments on my videos. If anyone utilize this to keep spamming on my channel, I will block them, because that means you have violated the Youtube policies! 👉 Because the numbers of people playing this is quite a lot so I will only choose 100 people from each video and provide them the code to join in the lucky draw. Thank you for your understanding. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 👉 Video list you may be interested in: 🔥 EMBARRASSING - INAPPROPRIATE SHOWS ON TV:    • EMBARRASSING - INAPPROPRIATE MOMENTS ...   🔥IF WERE NOT FILMED , NO ONE WOULD BELIEVE:    • IF WERE NOT FILMED , NO ONE WOULD BEL...   🔥EMBARRASSING MOMENT IN SPORTS :    • EMBARRASSING - FUNNIEST MOMENT IN SPORTS   --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q-Did you know? 👉 This is a channel for entertainment, Knowledge Here are some topics that will be included in our videos: 👉 Funniest Moments ------------------------------------------------- I use different stock footages : "Both Free And Paid". All of which falls under fair use. clips of videos that I can find related to the video and search images to visualize the narrative and story that I’m trying to tell. Please subscribe Thank you so much! TH101 #Funnymoment #SportsFails #qdidyouknow #Cothebanchuabiet
