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We Are Stars with Andy Serkis - 360 VR Video 6 лет назад

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We Are Stars with Andy Serkis - 360 VR Video

Subscribe at the link below for new content every Thursday!    / @kaleidoscope   Kaleidoscope Presents: We Are Stars We Are Stars is the most immersive science documentary in the Universe! This 360°, 3D, high frame rate experience seeks to answer some of the biggest questions of all time. What are we made of? Where did it all come from? Explore the secrets of our cosmic chemistry and our explosive origins. We join the Time Master narrated by Hollywood superstar Andy Serkis, a Victorian gent with his very own time tent who whisks us off on a 13.8 billion year adventure. Check out the Creators   / nsccreative     / nsccreative     / nsccreative
