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Tape made by Trump's attorney, Evan Corcoran, now in hands of prosecutors. Is any of this normal? 10 месяцев назад

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Tape made by Trump's attorney, Evan Corcoran, now in hands of prosecutors. Is any of this normal?

The New York Times broke the story that one of Trump's criminal defense attorneys, Evan Corcoran, made a lengthy audio recording documenting his experiences representing Donald Trump, including questions Trump asked and legal advice Corcoran gave Trump. In the aftermath of this breaking news I have received one question over and over again: is this normal. The answer might surprise you, as we discuss in the video. For our Team Justice and Justice Matters merchandise shop, please visit: Please consider becoming a #TeamJustice patron at:   / glennkirschner   And you can find my audio podcast, Justice Matters, wherever you usually get your podcasts. And my website at Follow me on: Twitter:   / glennkirschner2   Facebook:   / glennkirschner2   Instagram:   / glennkirschner2  
