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Скачать с ютуб Saudi team makes $1 billion offer for soccer star Kylian Mbappé | Dan Abrams Live в хорошем качестве

Saudi team makes $1 billion offer for soccer star Kylian Mbappé | Dan Abrams Live 9 месяцев назад

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Saudi team makes $1 billion offer for soccer star Kylian Mbappé | Dan Abrams Live

Saudi soccer team Al Hilal got permission to pursue contract talks with French player Kylian Mbappé. The team is willing to part with upwards of $1 billion for the soccer star, who isn't interested in playing for the team, according to reports. Politico national security reporter Alex Ward said despite the amount of money the team is offering, there's "no chance" Mbappé will take it. He and host Dan Abrams discuss the potential deal. Watch #DanAbramsLive: #KylianMbappe #SaudiArabia #soccer "Dan Abrams Live" brings a fresh, no-holds-barred approach to covering and analyzing the news. Weekdays at 9p/8C. #DanAbramsLive NewsNation is your source for fact-based, unbiased news for all America. More from NewsNation: Get our app: Find us on cable: How to watch on TV or streaming:
