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IMF warns: Shadow bank lending risks triggering new financial Crisis 13 дней назад

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IMF warns: Shadow bank lending risks triggering new financial Crisis

In this eye-opening video, we delve into the intricate world of shadow banking and its potential to spark a financial crisis, as highlighted by the International Monetary Fund (IMF). With insights gleaned from the IMF's latest warnings and the Bank of England's review, we uncover the systemic vulnerabilities lurking within the $2.1 trillion private credit market. From risky lending practices to opaque transactions, discover how the shadow banking sector poses a significant threat to financial stability. Additionally, we examine the looming specter of a mortgage rate reset and its implications for the global economy, as millions of homeowners face the prospect of higher interest rates. Join us as we unravel the complexities of these interconnected risks and explore the imperative for proactive regulatory measures to safeguard against future crises. Don't miss this crucial analysis that sheds light on the hidden dangers shaping the financial landscape. Unveiling the Hidden Risks: IMF Sounds Alarm on Shadow Banking & Mortgage Rate Reset. Shadow bank lending risks triggering new financial Crisis #IMF #loans #mortage
