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She-Hulk Pitch Meeting

Step inside the Pitch Meeting that led to She-Hulk: Attorney at Law! Subscribe for more Pitch Meetings:    / @pitchmeetings   Marvel has been going absolutely bananas this year with their slate of Phase Four content being released on Disney+. It seems like every single week in 2022 there has been a new episode of some kind of Marvle property. The latest one to hit the tiny screen is She-Hulk starring Tatiana Maslany. She-Hulk definitely raises some questions. Like what is this show trying to be? Why is Jennifer so amazing at being a Hulk right away? Does that fourth-wall breaking stuff feel kinda weird to anyone else in the grand scheme of the MCU? Can She-Hulk solve all problems moving forward by complaining to Marvel? To answer all these questions, check out the pitch meeting that led to the She-Hulk: Attorney at Law! Check Out These Other Videos: Pitch Meeting Gets An Upgrade (feat. Simu Liu)    • Pitch Meeting Gets An Upgrade! (feat....   Morbius Pitch Meeting    • Morbius Pitch Meeting   Our Social Media:   / screenrant     / screenrant   Our Website
