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LONG CARS vs POTHOLES with LAVA in Teardown

Long Cars vs Massive Potholes with Lava in game Teardown. Testing long cars decided to go on a picnic to relax, but suddenly their road broke down, now a pit filled with lava appeared on the road. In this video long cars will drive and jump over a pit with lava, they need to be careful to win the race in game Teardown. Let's see how many cars can jump over the lava pit. ❤️ If you like video with Long Cars, then SUBSCRIBE to my channel and LIKE this video ● Email for advertising and cooperation: [email protected] ● Subscribe Link: ● Watch more video:    • LONG CARS vs ZIG ZAG ROAD in Teardown   🎵 Used Music: 1. El Secreto - Yung Logos 2. Scheming Weasel Faster - Kevin Macleod 3. Monkeys Spinning Monkeys - Kevin MacLeod 4. Aaron Kenny - Gaiety in the Golden Age 5. Investigations - Kevin MacLeod 6. That's What It Takes (Instrumental) - NEFFEX 7. Fluffing a Duck - Kevin Macleod 8. Трек Merry Go - Distressed исполнителя Kevin MacLeod можно использовать по лицензии Лицензия Creative Commons Attribution 4.0. 9. Sneaky Snitch - Kevin MacLeod All the characters incidents name and situations used in this story are fictitious. The resemblance to any person living (or) dead is purely coincidental. This content is meant for mature audience (age 15+). Used 3d Model in video:
