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FALLEN Trailer (2017) Fantasy, Teen Movie HD

🔥 Watch Thrillers and full Horror Movies HERE ➤    • 🔥 Full Movies in English   ✔️ More exclusive movies on our Facebook page ➤   / 108385778224859   Lucinda "Luce" Price is a strong-willed seventeen-year-old living a seemingly ordinary life until she is accused of a crime she didn't commit. Sent off to the imposing Sword & Cross reform school, Luce finds herself being courted by two mysterious students to whom she feels oddly connected. Isolated and haunted by strange visions, Luce begins to unravel the secrets of her past and discovers the two men are fallen angels, who she learns have loved her for centuries.Luce must choose where her feelings lie, pitting Heaven against Hell in an epic battle over true love. FALLEN Trailer (2017) Fantasy, Teen Movie HD © 2017 - Lionsgate Comedy, Kids, Family and Animated Film, Blockbuster, Action Movie, Blockbusters, Scifi, Fantasy films and Dramas. Find the latest new trailers and your new destination here!
