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Скачать с ютуб Is the Navy ready? How the U.S. is preparing amid a naval buildup in China | 60 Minutes в хорошем качестве

Is the Navy ready? How the U.S. is preparing amid a naval buildup in China | 60 Minutes 1 год назад

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Is the Navy ready? How the U.S. is preparing amid a naval buildup in China | 60 Minutes

China has spent the last 20 years building the biggest navy in the world. As tensions with that country continue to rise, Norah O’Donnell boarded the USS Nimitz to report on the U.S. Navy’s readiness. #60Minutes #News #Navy "60 Minutes" is the most successful television broadcast in history. Offering hard-hitting investigative reports, interviews, feature segments and profiles of people in the news, the broadcast began in 1968 and is still a hit, over 50 seasons later, regularly making Nielsen's Top 10. Subscribe to the “60 Minutes” YouTube channel: Watch full episodes: Get more “60 Minutes” from “60 Minutes: Overtime”: Follow “60 Minutes” on Instagram: Like “60 Minutes” on Facebook: Follow “60 Minutes” on Twitter: Subscribe to our newsletter: Download the CBS News app: Try Paramount+ free: For video licensing inquiries, contact: [email protected]
