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Скачать с ютуб Toy Gun ASMR - VFC US SOCOM M3 MAAWS Unboxing! в хорошем качестве

Toy Gun ASMR - VFC US SOCOM M3 MAAWS Unboxing! 1 год назад

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Toy Gun ASMR - VFC US SOCOM M3 MAAWS Unboxing!

#toygunasmr #vfcussocomm3maaaws #grenadeluncher If you like these videos, Plz using【🤍Thanks】A tiny support do really help us create more 如果喜歡這類的影片,請按下【🤍超級感謝】用一點點的心意,支持我們繼續創作👍🏻👍🏻 Click here for subscribing our awesome stuff►    / @4uadsmartairsoft   Short Cuts/ 懶人包&捷徑 0:00 Unboxing /開箱 3:12 Inside the bag / 在袋子裡東西 6:36 Front sight /準星零件 7:02 The Trigger and safety/ 扳機和保險 7:20 Rear sight / 罩門零件 7:52 Reloading and Shell / 填裝和彈藥 11:25 Adjustable Sight Rail/ 可調式瞄具魚骨 12:37 adding on accessories / 安裝配件 13:45 Final quick test / 最終操作確認 14:06 Mag Dump / 簡易下場射擊測試 15:51 Operation explanation / 簡易操作講解 Go check out our new arrival【4UAD最新商品在下方連結↓↓↓】 🛒🛒 🛒🛒 If You Don't Wanna Miss Any important informations, Follow Us On : Facebook ►   / 4uadsmartairsoft   Instagram ►   / 4uadsmartairsoft   And note: All the replicas shown in the video are legal products produced by legal manufactures. The purpose of this video is to educate users the appropriate attitude and mindset towards operating and owning such products. No parts and Modifications shown in this video will produce results which will render a replica illegal. Airsoft replicas are not weapons, airsofts replicas are recreational sporting equipment for recreational purposes. Airsoft are not firearms.
