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Скачать с ютуб Final Circles Day 10 ALGS Regional FINALS - TSM, DARKZERO, XSET, NRG | Year 3 Split 2 | Apex Legends в хорошем качестве

Final Circles Day 10 ALGS Regional FINALS - TSM, DARKZERO, XSET, NRG | Year 3 Split 2 | Apex Legends 11 месяцев назад

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Final Circles Day 10 ALGS Regional FINALS - TSM, DARKZERO, XSET, NRG | Year 3 Split 2 | Apex Legends

Enjoy all the Final Circles from the ALGS Regional Finals of Year 3 Split 2. Day 10 featured a host of top Apex Legends pro teams from EMEA and NA, including TSM, DARKZERO, XSET ALLIANCE, NRG, OPTIC GAMING, VEXED, and many more. Apex Legends Global Series: Sub: Twitter:   / playapexesports   #algs #apexlegends #apex EMEA Regional Final Game 1 00:00 Game 2 2:06 Game 3 4:07 Game 4 6:10 Game 5 7:59 Game 6 10:08 Game 7 12:05 Game 8 14:12 Game 9 16:13 NA Regional Final Game 1 18:16 Game 2 19:59 Game 3 21:44 Game 4 23:33 Game 5 25:22 Game 6 27:26 Game 7 29:36 Game 8 31:43
