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Скачать с ютуб Packed FULL tool locker! Paid just $25 at the storage auction and it looks like a handyman owned it. в хорошем качестве

Packed FULL tool locker! Paid just $25 at the storage auction and it looks like a handyman owned it. 1 год назад

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Packed FULL tool locker! Paid just $25 at the storage auction and it looks like a handyman owned it.

Locker Nuts episode 579 I like 'em full and I like 'em cheap. This 10x10 delivers just that! It appears to be a handyman's locker, with lots of tools visible from the doorway, and maybe some antiques too. One thing is for sure... there are a ton of boxes and this one's got some potential. Let's dig in and see what we find in this edition of Locker Nuts. Email: [email protected] Mailing address: 12935 Alcosta Blvd. unit 3761, San Ramon, CA 94583 eBay Store: ***Please don't message me through the eBay store ©2022 JRC & Associates, Inc. All Rights Reserved. #storageauction #storagewars #foundtreasure
