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Who KILLED the RAINBOW FRIENDS?! Rainbow Friends 2 Animation

😎🌞ALL THE MONSTER ARE HERE 👻👽👉 ~ Click Now! ~    • 20 GARTEN of BANBAN, SIKIBIDI TOILET,...   It seems that yellow has had a bad landing, or that he has been forced to land badly, quickly it's time for detective red!! Cyan, what were you doing at the time of the accident? stealing pies? that's not good either.. xd Don't leave without leaving your LIKE ❤️and comment below! I'll be reading you!🎉 00:00 - Who KILLED the RAINBOW FRIENDS?! 02:57 - WHO KILLED YELLOW?! 11:44 - RAINBOW FRIENDS, But BLUE is a GHOST?! ✅📺Best YouTube Animations: @HornstrompFingers RAINBOW FRIENDS CHAPTER 2 The chapter begins with the Player(s) entering ODD World and encountering a mysterious man. They are tasked with collecting lightbulbs to create an SOS signal while being hunted by Rainbow Friends Blue, Green, and Purple. In the next hour, the Player(s) collect gas canisters to power a drill and escape, with the addition of Yellow as a new antagonist. The technician suggests gathering Lookies, and the Player(s) can either collect all of them or wait for a specific time for an alternate ending. The main ending leads to the technician's rescue and a plan to escape through Orange's Roller Coaster. The final task involves collecting sugar packs to bake a cake for the Giant Lookie while being hunted by five Rainbow Friends, including Cyan. The Player(s) lure the Giant Lookie with the cake and board Orange's Roller Coaster, maneuvering through various areas and evading monsters. They escape from Cyan's pursuit and reach safety. The chapter ends with a cinematic of Blue sleeping and Red expressing concern about their lateness. - The creepy kindergarten is full of monsters! Yes it's GARTEN OF BAN BAN, the most terrifying place that will give you goosebumps just by entering, so join PLAYER to explore the mysterious establishment, the rule is not to lose your life or your sanity; are you ready for action? The goal will be to go through several areas where you must survive the monsters, using a drone that will help you interact with buttons, and solving various puzzles, so use your head to generate a strategy and avoid at all costs the fearsome monsters. - #rainbowfriends #rainbowfriendsroblox #rainbowfriends2
