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The Full Story and Lore of Wraith | Apex Legends

The Complete Story and Lore of Wraith in Apex Legends. Check the Entire History of Apex Legends and Full Story of Apex Legends and Titanfall in the description. Includes some Newcastle, Bangalore, Wattson and Mirage lore as well. Complete Story and Lore of Apex Legends and Titanfall: ▶    • The Complete Story and Lore of Apex L...   Entire History of Apex Legends: ▶    • The Entire History of Apex Legends   ▶ Apex Legends Lore Playlist: ✅ Subscribe here: 🐥 Twitter:   / diehardgg   Chapters: 0:00 Apex Legends Wraith Lore 0:16 Wraith's Backstory 2:28 Voidwalker Wraith 4:25 Beating Wattson 6:40 Joining Apex Legends 8:13 Rage at Mirage 9:43 Saving Olympus 10:25 Bangalore and Newcastle #ApexLegendsSaviors #ApexLegends #Wraith ------------------------------------------------ For business inquiries, please email me at: [email protected]
