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On Tour! Scotland's North Coast 500 Route - Ep20

Willie, Sarah and their dog, Jack Spaniels, continue their biggest adventure yet - leaving their suburban life and moving over the sea to 'Live The Skye Life'! In this episode, the 'Skye-Lifers' take a much needed break from byre building work and go on holiday - to an old croft cottage, overlooking the sea..! Join us as we explore Scotland's far north coast - discovering some of the landmarks along the famous North Coast 500 driving route. There's stone-age treasures, ruined castles, mushroom foraging and Jack Spaniels in his happy place at a beautiful deserted beach. Check out Willie's full length video on the stone-age flints here:    • Finding Stone Age Treasure - Mudlarki...   Follow us on Instagram @OurLifeOnSkye:   / ourlifeonskye   Or Facebook: If you liked this video and want to show your support for us, you can do so in the following ways: Like, Comment & Subscribe - these are free to do and will really help us to grow our new channel :) You can also donate via our Kofi Page, if you want to help out with the running costs of the channel or buy us a coffee/beer: Become a patron on Patreon:   / livingtheskyelife   Thanks & see you will the next video! Sarah, Willie & Jack x Sarah’s Channel - @shewalksshepaints    / @shewalksshepaints   Sarah's Etsy Store: Willie's Channel - @dirtysecretsofscotland    / Канал   To get in contact, email us on: [email protected]
