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Panel heats up over Blues coverage ahead of State of Origin Game II: Inside the 10 | NRL on Nine 10 месяцев назад

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Panel heats up over Blues coverage ahead of State of Origin Game II: Inside the 10 | NRL on Nine

On Inside the 10, the Sunday Footy Show panel gets heated at each other over Game II of State of Origin 2023, discuss media coverage of the Blues and Maroons, debate Wayne Bennett as an Immortal and talk about HIA rules after Tommy Turbo's exemption. Subscribe 👉 NRL News👉 NRL on Nine is the home of everything rugby league so stayed tuned for more NRL highlights, analysis, opinion and video. Watch NRL LIVE and FREE: Facebook:   / nrlonnine   Instagram:   / nrlonnine   TikTok: Twitter:   / nrlonnine   #NRLonNine #WideWorldofSports #NRL
