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Скачать с ютуб This is Why Pathfinder is the #1 Picked Legend! (Xbox Series X Apex Legends Gameplay) в хорошем качестве

This is Why Pathfinder is the #1 Picked Legend! (Xbox Series X Apex Legends Gameplay) 9 месяцев назад

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This is Why Pathfinder is the #1 Picked Legend! (Xbox Series X Apex Legends Gameplay)

Right now Pathfinder is the #1 picked legend at 10.5% pickrate sitting above Octane. Pathfinder is by far one of the most fun legends to play and I feel like Pathfinder has a relatively high skill gap that makes playing him more fun the more movement and tricks you end up learning and implementing. Anyway BIG GRAPPLES in this one. I've got two games as pathfinder where I drop 25 kills and almost 6k damage and also another game where I almost dropped a 4k 20 if I wasn't so braindead. Hope you enjoy the solo pathfinder gameplay! #apexlegends #consoleapex #pathfinder 00:00 Rage + Clips 03:03 Game 1 10:07 Game 2
