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Скачать с ютуб Egg - Egg [1970] (Full Album) в хорошем качестве

Egg - Egg [1970] (Full Album) 3 года назад

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Egg - Egg [1970] (Full Album)

Has it always bothered you that everyone YouTube upload of this album does not have movement 3? Well bother yourself no more! As this version has the EPIC, EGG SYMPHONY NO. 2 MOVEMENT 3!!!!!!!!!! THE ORIGINAL (sort of) Stravinsky banger from the Egg's themselves. OK but seriously, Movement 3 uses a theme from Stravinsky's Rites of Spring (Augurs of Spring), as well as a theme from Holst's "The Planets" Suite (iirc it's the Neptune part). Now go back up and listen to one of the best albums of all time... Genre: Progressive Rock/Canterbury Scene Album: Egg Year: 1970 One of the best bands of the era. Side one "Bulb" (Peter Gallen) – 0:09 "While Growing My Hair" (Clive Brooks, Mont Campbell, Dave Stewart) – 3:53 "I Will Be Absorbed" (Brooks, Campbell, Stewart) – 5:10 "Fugue in D Minor" (Johann Sebastian Bach) – 2:46 "They Laughed When I Sat Down at the Piano…" (Brooks, Campbell, Stewart) – 1:17 "The Song of McGillicudie the Pusillanimous (Or Don't Worry James, Your Socks Are Hanging in the Coal Cellar with Thomas)" (Brooks, Campbell, Stewart) – 5:07 "Boilk" (Brooks, Campbell, Stewart) – 1:00 Side two "Symphony No. 2" (Brooks, Campbell, Stewart) – 20:43 Movement 1 Movement 2 Blane Movement 3 Movement 4
