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Call of Duty and Titanfall Creator Vince Zampella - IGN Unfiltered 12 7 лет назад

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Call of Duty and Titanfall Creator Vince Zampella - IGN Unfiltered 12

Our 45-minute chat with the industry legend covers his entire career, from his early days at GameTek to Medal of Honor to Call of Duty to the lawsuit and now to Respawn. Call of Duty Created as 'A Little Bit' of an F-You to Medal of Honor - IGN Unfiltered    • Call of Duty Created as 'A Little Bit...   Former PlayStation Boss Jack Tretton - IGN Unfiltered 11    • Former PlayStation Boss Jack Tretton ...   EA Chief Competition Officer Peter Moore - IGN Unfiltered 10    • EA Chief Competition Officer Peter Mo...   -----------------------------­--- Follow IGN for more! -----------------------------­--- YOUTUBE: IGN OFFICIAL APP: FACEBOOK:   / ign   TWITTER:   / ign   INSTAGRAM: WEBSITE: GOOGLE+: #callofduty #titanfall #vincezampella
