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Скачать с ютуб АДЛИН — Dead Inside (официальная премьера трека) в хорошем качестве

АДЛИН — Dead Inside (официальная премьера трека) 2 года назад

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АДЛИН — Dead Inside (официальная премьера трека)

#soyuzmusic #АДЛИН #DeadInside Listen on all music platforms: Bizarre cowbells, warm cassette sound and generally gloomy mood - a new release from ADLIN. Author of the Russian phonk hit "No Love" dropped a new track "Dead Inside" , as well as a music video supporting his breakthrough debut. Freshman from Russia emerged this fall with a single "No Love", made in the popular genre of phonk, and immediately found his audience. In merely a week, young hip-hop artist and sound producer ADLIN debuted on VK's Top-100 chart and Top-100 Kazakhstan, climbed to the top-50 of the Spotify chart in Russia, top-200 songs on Apple Music, top - 50 Shazam Discoveries and gained more than 60K videos on TikTok. Жмите на 🔔 и не пропускай новинки! Подписывайтесь на наш канал:    / @soyuzmusic   Союз Мьюзик в сети: Instagram:   / soyuz_music   VK: FB:   / soyuzmusic   сайт:
