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I Spent A Month Fighting The Warden.

TommyInnit fights the WARDEN in Minecraft. with his cow, Duffle. How could this Possibly Go Wrong? I hope you guys like this video!!!!! (i recorded going to the End yesterday. part 3 is going to be insane). Featuring: @TimeDeo, @Bitzel, @Philza & @Tubbo ALSO ALSO ALSO ALSO ALSO! If you're in UNITED KINGDOM and reading this then CHECK THIS OUT, because I am going on tour, to a city NEAR YOU. I'll finally be telling the horrible stuff that happened to me in 2021. Why? Because it's a god damn great story. CHECK IT OUT!!!! TOUR LINK: also edited by the INCREDIBLE @onlyantics. I did a tiny bit of editing, but it was in the intro so it Doesn't Count. Antics carried this. Show him all your love.
