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Скачать с ютуб Warden Life: Warden vs Iron Golem Army | Alex and Steve Legends (Minecraft Animation Movie) в хорошем качестве

Warden Life: Warden vs Iron Golem Army | Alex and Steve Legends (Minecraft Animation Movie) 2 месяца назад

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Warden Life: Warden vs Iron Golem Army | Alex and Steve Legends (Minecraft Animation Movie)

Check out our new chapter book! Beyond the Warden’s Portal: An unofficial Minecraft story written by LumenScript and illustrated by Cubus Maximus. "As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases." Warden Life: Alex and Steve are caught up in an epic battle between the warden and the king’s iron golem army. They discover the warden’s tragic past and must stop the king from opening the warden’s portal. This Minecraft video is fan-made and not approved by or associated with Mojang. Support Cubus Maximus on Patreon!   / cubusmaximus Please do not copy or reupload our videos. Please do not copy our videos to post voice-overs or commentaries. Keywords: Minecraft, Minecraft Warden, Warden vs Iron Golems, Warden vs Alex and Steve, Alex and Steve vs Warden, Steve and Alex, Herobrine, Illager Army, Pillager, Evoker, Vindicator, Ravager, Zombie Army, Warden vs Illagers, Minecraft Castle, Origin of Minecraft Warden, Origin of the Warden, Ancient City Portal, Warden Portal, Fall of the Ancient City, Ancient City, Restored Ancient City, Sculk, Sculk Cave, Warden Cave, Sculk Shrieker, Sculk Sensor, Cubus Maximus, Minecraft Animation, Minecraft Movie, Minecraft Short Film, Minecraft Army, Minecraft Village, Friendly Warden
