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Everything You Need to Know About The Warden in Minecraft 1.20

Everything You Need to Know About The Warden in Minecraft 1.20 🟪Twitch:   / eyecraftmc   🐤Twitter:   / eyecraft_mc   🔵Discord:   / discord   Learn How to Defeat the Warden in Minecraft 1.20 with This 1.20 Warden Guide. Including solving the Minecraft 1.20 warden, tons of ways to defeat the warden, things you didn't know about the warden in the wild update. How to Survive the Warden in Minecraft. The Minecraft 1.20 Warden Update is a Nightmare so Learn How You can beat the warden in Minecraft and the secrets of the Minecraft 1.20 Warden. 📑Chapters📑 0:00 - Intro 0:10 - How to Find Wardens 1:28 - Warden Appearance 2:15 - The Warden's Senses 3:08 - The Warden's Attacks 5:39 - How to Defeat The Warden 8:00 - Mojang's Warden Method 12:13 - Additional Warden Info
