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Скачать с ютуб Silver is NOT What You Think | Watch This BEFORE You Buy Silver - Keith Neumeyer CEO First Majestic в хорошем качестве

Silver is NOT What You Think | Watch This BEFORE You Buy Silver - Keith Neumeyer CEO First Majestic 2 года назад

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Silver is NOT What You Think | Watch This BEFORE You Buy Silver - Keith Neumeyer CEO First Majestic

Silver is NOT What You Think - Watch This Before You Buy Gold & Silver | Keith Neumeyer Ticker Symbols: NYSE: AG TSE: FR First Majestic Website - First Majestic Twitter -   / fmsilvercorp   Keith's Twitter -   / keith_neumeyer   #Silver #Gold #KeithNeumeyer In this video Jake Ducey talks to Keith Neumeyer. Keith is one of the most successful mining executives in the world - he has become a champion for the silver market and the founder of First Majestic Silver. Today we discuss everything people do not know about gold and silver, especially silver. There's so much coming down the pipeline in the silver industry; electric cars, government mandates on green energy, and more. Here to discuss this topic we have the one and only Keith Neumeyer. HE also gives a market update on what's happening in gold and silver, mining stocks, and more.
