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Скачать с ютуб The 'Sniffluencer' Who Rates Public Toilets For Cocaine l Drugs Map of Britain в хорошем качестве

The 'Sniffluencer' Who Rates Public Toilets For Cocaine l Drugs Map of Britain 4 месяца назад

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The 'Sniffluencer' Who Rates Public Toilets For Cocaine l Drugs Map of Britain

#iplayer #cocaine #bbcthree In East London, Francesca Sniffs is a TikTok influencer who rates toilets for their ‘sniffability’. She wants to represent the silly side of taking drugs but is she adding to wider a problem by both normalising and undermining the seriousness of using Cocaine? Details of organisations in the UK offering information and support are available at: Watch Drugs Map Of Britain on iPlayer now: --- Watch BBC Three on TV and BBC iPlayer. Subscribe to BBC Three on YouTube:    / @bbcthree   Did you know that we’re up to other things in other places too? Best of BBC Three: Follow us on Social Media TikTok:   / bbcthree   Twitter:   / bbcthree   Facebook:   / bbcthree   Instagram:   / bbcthree  
