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Top 10 BEST Magicians OF ALL TIME on Britain's Got Talent!

These ICONIC Auditions Blew The Judges Minds! Featuring: Marc Spelmann (2018) - 0:03 The Witch (2022) - 9:09 Richard Jones (2016) - 13:53 Issy Simpson (2017) - 18:37 X (2019) - 22:36 Darcy Oake (2014) - 27:27 Matricks Illusions (2022) - 29:28 Mandy Muden (2018) - 31:58 Jamie Raven (2015) - 37:23 James More (2013) - 43:29 Watch MORE Magician's Got Talent:    / @magiciansgottalent   ▶︎ Facebook:   / magiciansgottalent   Magicians Got Talent brings together the very best magic and illusions worldwide talent, creating a central hub for fans of the show to keep up to date with the other sensational performances from around the world.
