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Good Habits - She Bangs The Drums 2 года назад

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Good Habits - She Bangs The Drums

She Bangs The Drums by The Stone Roses is a Mancunian classic that has a special place in our hearts for multiple reasons; Manchester is where we met, studied and formed Good Habits. I (Bonnie) had already covered the song as part of a production with Contact Theatre’s Young Company in the show titled ‘She Bangs The Drums’, celebrating 100 years since women won the right to vote, what has changed and what still needs to changed. So when we were asked by a close friend in New Zealand to cover it at his birthday party, we couldn’t wait to put our alt-folk spin on it. A week later we were in the studio recording the album and just knew it had to be on it. We are thrilled that the video was filmed by our lovely friend, videographer and endless source of positivity, Cadby Kong. This particular video was filmed in (and on top of) The Devenport Folk Club, a 19th century bunker situated on Takarunga in Auckland that has been at the heart of the NZ Folk scene for the past 50 years. And as if by fate, the late president of the folk club and ‘virtual godfather’ of NZ folk music, Roger Giles, had emigrated out to New Zealand from Shropshire (Pete’s home county). Vocals/Cello - Bonnie Schwarz Accordion/Percussion - Pete Shaw Written by The Stone Roses Arranged by Pete Shaw and Bonnie Schwarz Recorded at Tsunami Sounds Studios Levin Mixed by Alex Armstrong-Holding Mastered by Matt Wood Videographer: Cadby King
