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I Played The *NEW* Apex Legends LTM "LOCKDOWN" at Respawn Entertainment HQ

Big Thanks to Respawn for inviting me out to the LA Headquarters to playtest the newest LTM LOCKDOWN! This was super cool to be apart of and I'm so happy to be able to share it with yall! What are your thoughts on the new LTM Lockdown as a whole? Let me know in the comments below! I stream daily on Twitch! Check out my streams on Twitch:   / drumbum   Also follow me here to keep up with me! Twitter:   / drumbum_​   Discord:   / discord   TikTok: Instagram:   / drumbumtwitch   Edited by Dobbytheblkelf:   / dobbytheblkelf Tags: apex legends,apex legends season 20,apex,apex legends funny,apex legends moments,apex legends gameplay,apex legends new,apex legends tips,apex legends update,apex legends highlights,apex legends heirloom,apex legends nostalgia,apex predator,apex legends funny moments,apex legends clips,apex legend,apex legends revenant,apex legends heirloom shards,respawn entertainment,respawn,lockdown ltm,new heirloom,apex legends new heirloom,new heirloom apex,New,20 Apex Legends is a free-to-play hero shooter game where legendary characters battle for glory, fame, and fortune on the fringes of the Frontier. Chapters: 0:00 Intro 0:23 Collection Event Showcase 2:16 Lockdown LTM #lockdown #apex #ApexLegends
