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Ava and Patrick - ''You cheated on me'' 1 год назад

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Ava and Patrick - ''You cheated on me''

After many months I have returned to the channel, although I bring you some bad news, and from now on the videos I make of couples, you know that I like to combine this content with videos of how I edit my videos, etc. now in my videos they will include pauses in which I tell you things about the story and also some reactions, I do all this to be able to continue preserving the channel, and see if in this way I comply with the rules and terms of YouTube. Nor am I going to upload music for now, because the latter has given me many problems in my videos, and that I always used music without copyright, in exchange for eliminating this, as I know that many people do not speak English, I will subtitle my videos to Many languages. Name: the secret of cheerleader
