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Скачать с ютуб The Epic Rescue of HEROBRINE - Alex and Steve Life (Minecraft Animation) в хорошем качестве

The Epic Rescue of HEROBRINE - Alex and Steve Life (Minecraft Animation) 1 год назад

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The Epic Rescue of HEROBRINE - Alex and Steve Life (Minecraft Animation)

Get ready for an epic adventure as Alex and the team set out to rescue Steve from being taken to another dimension and turned into the evil Herobrine by the treacherous Baroness and the Trailblazers. Will they succeed? Will Alex and Steve escape with their life? Will Herobrine be rescued from the clutches of the nether? Find out in this action-packed animated film directed by Omeleto. PREVIOUS EPISODE    • Nether VS The End - Alex and Steve Li...   Animation Life -    • Animation Life: FULL MOVIE (Minecraft...   Alex and Steve Life -    • Alex and Steve Life (Minecraft Animat...   Animators: Omeleto Zilleyon Ccdefg Credits: - Ice shader - Wan Xi 🧡 SUPPORT US ON PATREON   / blackplasmastudios   - Watch animations early! - Have your name in the credits! - And much more! 💬 JOIN OUR DISCORD SERVER   / discord   #BlackPlasmaStudios #MinecraftAnimation #Minecraft
