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The Most Impossible Game in Apex Legends History 5 месяцев назад

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The Most Impossible Game in Apex Legends History

Play Enlisted today using my link for a free bonus pack with soldiers, weapons, and more: Follow On All Socials Twitter:   / jumbagw   Twitch:   / jumbagw   If you want to support the channel consider becoming a member:    / @jumbagw   Like the Music? Find my playlist I've used here: If you sign up through the link you'll get 1 month free! I was able to get all footage thanks to Elben Gate Gaming. Make sure to toss them a sub: @ElbenGateGaming Game 8 of the winners bracket for the ALGS Championship saw multiple upsets and multiple comebacks. It was possibly the closest lobby we've ever seen in Apex and created for a game with some pretty impossible odds.
