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10 Zelda Characters Based On Mythology And Folklore

"The Legend of Zelda" draws from mythology and folklore for many characters and creatures. For this list, we’ll be looking at some of our favorites to be based on those larger-than-life stories. Our list includes the Great Deku Tree, Keaton, the Picori, Epona, and more! Know of any other similar instances in “Zelda?” Share them with us in the comments! Watch more great videos on "The Legend of Zelda" here: 10 Zelda Theories That Might Actually Be True:    • 10 Zelda Theories That Might Actually...   10 Zelda Tears Of The Kingdom Questions We NEED Answers To:    • 10 Zelda Tears Of The Kingdom Questio...   The Best Song From Every Zelda Game:    • The Best Song From Every Zelda Game   Big thanks to all the channels featured in our video! WorldOfLongplays:    / @worldoflongplays   Anto RetroGamer:    / @antoretrogamer   EmptyGarbageCan:    / @emptygarbagecan   Koopa Library:    / @koopalibrary   BeardBear:    / @beardbear   ZeldapediaVideo:    / @zeldapediavideo   Shade Belmont:    / @shadebelmont6822   Lil Pedro:    / @nicholesheat43   Nassi:    / @nassiissan   BuffMaister:    / @buffmaister   J:    / @wnivre   Lemmy:    / @mrlemmy82   Challenge friends and family on our multiplayer Trivia! Subscribe for more great content! Got ideas? Great, give them to us NOW! MojoPlays is your source for reviews, lists, Let's Plays, character origins and video game lore. #Zelda #Nintendo #Gaming #VideoGames #NintendoSwitch #LegendofZelda #TearsoftheKingdom #Fantasy #Games #Mythology
