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DICE | THE CODE | GBB 2021: World League Loopstation Wildcard

Hello everyone :) I'm DICE, and this is my loopstation wildcard for the GBB 2021 World League. This time, I made my original track with a special theme, "CODE." This theme implies the importance of being patient until the game is over. I hope you guys enjoy listening to my new track "THE CODE", and will appreciate it a lot if you like and share this video with others. Wish the best of luck to all the participants, and I hope to see you guys in Poland ;) Thank you so much, and always love your support!!🥰🙏 #GBB2021 #Loopstation #DICEbeatbox I followed every rules of GBB 2021 Loopstation category in this video. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Instagram: @beatbox_dice Spotify: spotify:artist:4iKe5CcmoOjaDrZ4IZZiee Facebook: TikTok: @beatboxdice
