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Скачать с ютуб Apex Legends Tier List - Ranking All Season 16 Revelry Legend Buffs/Nerfs (Class Update) в хорошем качестве

Apex Legends Tier List - Ranking All Season 16 Revelry Legend Buffs/Nerfs (Class Update) 1 год назад

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Apex Legends Tier List - Ranking All Season 16 Revelry Legend Buffs/Nerfs (Class Update)

Thanks for watching this Apex Legends gameplay video! You can subscribe for more Apex daily challenges and funny moments. You can now support my Apex Legends channel by becoming a member - Members will get a logo and emojis to use in chat Join the discord:   / discord   this Apex Legends tier list videos, The Gaming Merchant is ranking all legends from best to worst. You will know which are the best legends and the top classes to play in Apex Legends Season 16 Revelry after watching. Twitter:   / gamingmerchant_  
